Imagine running your errands on an average day without knowing that it’ll be fateful when you must contemplate suing the government for your tragic slip-and-fall injuries on their property. Your slip-and-fall incident may have occurred in government-owned and...
Seeking Justice For The Injured
Personal Injury
Can social media endanger your personal injury case?
After an accident – whether it be a slip-and-fall, car crash, dog bite or even a loved one’s wrongful death – you usually want to inform your family, friends and colleagues through a social media post. It’s easy and quick to do, so why not? Posting on your social...
Are you a victim of road rage?
We have all experienced road rage. It is when a person gets behind the wheel while experiencing extreme anger and taking it out on other drivers or pedestrians. Road rage is much like drunk driving in that the driver’s uncontrollable anger may impair their mental...
Why many car accidents occur
Driving carefully and focusing on the road could help a Florida commuter avoid an automobile accident. Sometimes, drivers must pay attention to others who are operating their vehicles recklessly. Government-compiled data shows that reckless behaviors contribute to...
How to avoid winter slips and falls
As winter approaches the danger of slips and falls increases. Even in sunny Florida, rain, snow, and sleet make surfaces slippery and more dangerous. However, there are things that you can do to ensure that you stay safe. Have a plan Be knowledgeable of weather...
What is a post-traumatic headache, and why does it occur?
It’s normal for all residents of Florida and other areas to experience occasional headaches. However, after suffering head trauma, you might deal with a specific type of pain. This is known as post-traumatic headache, and this is how it affects you. Understanding...
What should you know about Florida medical care and spinal cord injuries?
Spinal cord injuries may cause permanent disabilities or even death. Florida residents who believe they sustained a spinal cord injury should seek medical care immediately. Seeking care immediately could prevent the spinal cord injury from becoming worse. Common...
The latest accident statistics for Florida boaters
While the total number of boating accidents recorded last year was down from the previous one, the bad news is that there were still a total of 751 mishaps. Boating accidents caused 60 fatalities, 469 injuries, and $20 million in property damage overall. The total of...
Understanding cerebral palsy in Florida
Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that results from a brain injury or abnormality. It can occur during pregnancy, at birth, or after birth. This disorder can range from mild to severe, and it can affect any part of the body. What are the symptoms of cerebral...
The federal government has a goal of eliminating car wreck deaths
If you've been injured in a car wreck in Florida, going to work and paying your bills may be challenging. Unfortunately, this type of scenario occurs frequently in the United States. Thousands of individuals suffer personal injuries or die in motor vehicle accidents...