A man was killed in Florida after a car crashed into his motorcycle. Police arrived on the scene of the 11:24 p.m. motor vehicle crash to find the man dead. The accident occurred along Gulf Beach Highway.
Accident details
The recent Florida took place on a Wednesday. According to authorities, a 41-year-old man was operating his motorcycle west on the highway. Meanwhile, an 81-year-old woman was driving a pickup truck south on a nearby road.
Police said the woman tried to turn left from the road onto the highway. However, she reportedly failed to yield to the highway’s oncoming traffic. The front part of the motorcycle struck the driver’s side door of the pickup. The biker was pronounced dead at the crash scene.
How an attorney can help following the crash
The surviving family members of the motorcyclist may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the car driver, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages sustained due to the fatal motorcycle accident. Liability must first be established in civil court, based upon a showing of negligence. Once that is accomplished, the claim for damages will be adjudicated.
A successfully fought claim might result in monetary damages to cover the motorcyclist’s burial costs. It may also lead to damages to cover the loss of support for the motorcyclist’s surviving dependents. No amount of money can undo the events leading to the fatal motorcycle accident, but financial damages may help the motorcyclist’s family members experience a sense of justice and more easily move forward from the tragic Florida accident.