In Florida, car accidents can result in injuries. How someone else hits your car, your position in the vehicle and whether you had your seatbelt on determine the severity and types of injuries you could sustain from the force of the impact.
Even when a vehicle accident seems minor, injuries still occur. Some car accident-related injuries take a few days or even weeks to surface, so seeing a doctor after an accident is critical so that you can have a proper examination and treatment.
The following categories represent the most common types of car accident injuries.
Whiplash and other soft-tissue injuries
Of all car accident injuries, whiplash is the most common. This soft-tissue injury typically involves a cervical sprain, strain or hyperextension. Other soft tissue injuries include bruises or contusions, strains and sprains on any body part.
These injuries do not appear on X-rays and may not become apparent immediately. Some soft-tissue injuries are acute and will resolve over time with proper treatment. Others become chronic, such as soft tissue injuries in the back, and may cause pain for an indefinite amount of time.
Broken bones
Many people involved in car crashes sustain broken or fractured bones, especially the arms, legs and ribs. These injuries can cause extreme pain and require surgery to repair so the bones can heal appropriately.
Head injuries
In an accident, traumatic head injuries are common, as occupants may hit their head on the inside of the car upon impact. Injuries include mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI). TBIs can cause life-long physical and cognitive impairment.
Back injuries
The impact of a car crash can cause accident victims to sustain back injuries such as herniated discs, nerve damage and more serious spinal cord injuries.
Cuts and bruises
Cuts, bruises and abrasions could be minor but still extremely painful. More serious injuries can result from broken glass or jagged metal, causing deep lacerations or amputations.
Bruising can range from minor bumps to severe internal injuries, including damage to internal organs and major blood vessels. These injuries can bleed internally and become life-threatening.
Psychological injuries
This type of injury might not surface right away, but after a vehicle accident, victims can experience anxiety, depression and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
If you are involved in a car accident, it is critical to have a doctor’s examination, even if you do not think you have any serious injuries.